Ballistic research tunnel at a government facility in Dam Neck, VA
Quality Assurance
Our system is capable of provide the following information:
- Point of Impact: We certify that the system’s accuracy is within 2.5 mm of actual results for the center 50% of the target frame area and 5 mm of actual results for the center 75% of the target frame.
- Velocity: We certify the velocity results to be accurate to at least +/- 5 feet per second or +/- 1.5 meters per second.
- Rate of Fire: We certify the rate of fire results to be accurate to at least +/- 5 rounds per minute when calculated for at least 20 round burst of fire.
Ballistic Coefficient
The following data is captured, calculated, and saved (and can even be exported):
- Targeting at 25, 50, 100, and/or 200 yards
- Velocity at muzzle, 100, and 200 yards
- Time of flight to 100 and 200 yards
- Temperature, humidity, and pressure
- G1 and G7 BCs
The following quality assurance modules can easily be added:
- Serial Number Tracking
- Function Testing
- Endurance Testing
Firearms manufacturers currently using our quality assurance system:
- Daniel Defense
- Colt USA
- Colt Canada
- Sig Sauer